






Los Angeles
Art Space 114, Downtown
Tod George Lychkoff, Gronk, Miguel Osuna, Robert Reynolds.
114 West 4th St, LA 90013
Opening December 5th 2024 - 6 pm

Palm Springs
Artier Gallery
Group Show:
Matthew Hance, Moises Ortiz, Scott Ross,
Luigi Fantini, Ender Martos, Ariel Vargassal, Miguel Osuna
Artier Gallery: 844 N. Palm Canyon Drive, Suite A. Palm Springs, CA 92262
December 14th 2024

Los Angeles
Kidspace Children’s Museum
Wired for Wonder: A Multisensory Maze.
PST ART: Art & Science Collide*
Installation in view
January 2025, exact dates tbd

*Pacific Standard Time (PST) is an initiative of the Getty Museum and its Foundation that over the next five months will see more than 70 related exhibitions at Museums, galleries, and public spaces throughout Southern California from San Diego to Pomona, Riverside, Palm Springs, and Orange County.



each column is a series * new works are added at the bottom












In July 2022, the Webb telescope began sending images back to Earth, reminding us of our place in the cosmos. It confirmed a humbling truth: humanity is astonishingly small, a speck in a monstrously vast and incomprehensible universe. Yet, we are uniquely aware of this fact. We can perceive both the monumental grandiosity of existence and our own pitiful insignificance. What a beautiful contradiction.

But this isn’t about the universe—it’s about me.

Who am I? I am the son of Zelma and Miguel Ángel. Partner to one, guardian and caretaker to two, sibling to three, cousin to many, and elder to a growing number. This is how I define myself—through relationships. But is there any other way to understand who we are, except in the context of others? And if I must point to something to define myself, do I point to my mind or my heart?

This is where art comes in.

I make art because it is essential to my being. It sustains me, as nourishment sustains life. At one point, I was horrified to realize that I need to create to live. The horror stemmed from the precariousness of this path—it’s a statistically impractical, almost self-destructive way to sustain oneself.

But with that horror came gratitude. To be in this position—to create, to express—is a privilege. And because I strive to be a person of integrity, I feel an obligation to honor that privilege by producing the best work I can.

Right now, my work is not figurative. It doesn’t represent anything concrete or easily describable. Instead, it manifests specific feelings in particular moments. I don’t create because I believe my emotions are inherently valuable or worth sharing, but because I suspect others feel similar things. It is in that shared experience, in that act of relating, that I believe our humanity lies.

So, here it is—structured, blurry, orderly, blue, undulating, gold. My work is a reflection of me.

MO, 2025

© MIGUEL OSUNA 2023           updated May '24